To Buy or Not To Buy

When it comes to self care , there’s this false belief that self care costs money. The truth is, it doesn’t. Self care is not a luxury and it shouldn’t be.

No matter what is floating around on the internet, luxury means an inessential, desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain – a pleasure obtained only rarely.

Self care is essential and it should be accessible for everyone out there.

We don’t want something as simple as enjoying a coffee to be a luxury because this would mean it’s not something that is available to everyone.

And things like; alone time, eating, or a walk in the park should be available to everyone.

It’s part of the reason we, Self Caring Co. exits. To make self care easy and accessible.

So when it comes to self care, do you buy or not buy?

That depends on you, your needs, and your values.

Spending money is not necessary when doing self care. The most important self care practices don’t cost at all. But if you do want to spend money to indulge in self care you can.

Ex: You want to take care of your body by treating yourself to a massage. You have been experiencing pain and achey muscles. It is perfectly ok to decide to pay for a massage. And it is also perfectly normal to take a warm bubble bath with epsom salt. Both of these options will relieve your achey body but is up to you to choose how.

Or maybe you find cooking to be mentally exhausting so you decide to order a meal plan service. The mental exhaustion you experience causes you to be irritable and have less clarity. It is perfectly ok to use a meal plan service. And it is perfectly ok to do a dinner swap with a friend once a week.

In both of these scenarios you can still achieve the desired outcome without spending money.

When it comes to self care wether you choose to spend or not, is entirely up to you. However, it is not necessary to spend money to care for yourself.